In the Chinese Tradition, the Five Elements—Metal, Water, Wood,
Fire, Earth—are the dynamic qualities of nature in life. The Five
Elements maintain the structure and balance of the horse.
• gives quality of being, movement and structure
• expands openness of attitude and depth of breath
• nourishes the sheen of the coat
• enhances listening, trust and willingness
• increases strength and stamina
• improves reproduction and strengthens energy reserves
• ensures clear vision and smooth flow of Chi
• nourishes the muscles, tendons, ligaments and hooves
• creates flexibility and athleticism
• is the Shen, the spirit, the nature of the horse
• brings calmness to the spirit
• brings animation to the movement
• allows connection and communication
• gives the grounding our horses must experience
• allows for courage and deep focus

Karen’s work combines horsemanship, kinesiology and acupressure with her special gift as a healer. My filly, who
could not take a sound step, is now ready to begin training. She is
balanced and beautiful.
My horses were very edgy, with
Trav always after Clyde. Within one treatment you could see the
difference in their demeanor. Clyde, who always bit while being
cinched, stood quietly, and antsy Trav had his head down and could
not be calmer. Karen is amazing and you will love the difference.
–D.C.F. |

One of the first things I noticed about
my horse Half Mask after Karen worked with him was that he was much
more at ease with himself and his surroundings. When I approached
him, instead of raising his head and looking at me like he was going to bolt away, I
noticed a softness in his eye. He actually dropped his head and
sighed when I touched him.
He's more relaxed and trusting of my intentions. I've also noticed
he has more confidence around my alpha gelding. In conclusion I feel
Half Mask is gaining trust, strength and confidence in himself and
his relationship with me.
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Karen was raised in the “Sleepy Hollow Days” of San Anselmo,
California, the youngest of five children. Her father was John Shaw,
better known as “Jack” Shaw, the hunter jumper horseman of the time,
and mother Eleanor Shaw.
Karen’s earliest memory in the saddle is of her knees at the rivets
on the pommel of her father’s Crosby saddle, stirrups rolled up, and
the unending length of the neck on the thoroughbred she sat astride.
Deep love of horses became an integral part of her being, assisting
Karen through the loss of her beloved father at the age of twelve.

Karen’s horsemanship training continued as she apprenticed with
accomplished horsemen and horsewomen throughout the greater Bay
Currently, Karen has broadened her equine
experience to include the application of more than 18 years of
acupressure education and training. This brings huge benefits to the
horses she currently works with, on all levels of their being.
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