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Chinese Five Elements:
The Season of Fire
by Karen Shaw
The sun does follow rain, the deepest darkest
Winter gives way to Spring and Summer. The same sun cycle shows up
in each of us. The Sun—Summer’s Fire—is inside each of us, too, and
will show itself after life’s cold seasons and storms. If we tend to
ourselves well, our inner Fire will light up even the darkest
corners of everyday life.
Fire energy: the energy of culmination, full
maturity, everything and everyone becoming their utmost self. There
is a spatial aspect to the Fire of Summer, with the sun, the highest
above us, allowing that much more time and space for us to be who we
are, to become all that we can be. All of Nature is fully flowering,
expansive, abundant! There is joy, there is laughter, there is
passion! Fire is warmth, brightness, sparkle. It is inviting. The
fire in another person draws us in, asking us to connect with one
another. There is deep joy, more than just having fun. This joy is
the feeling that comes from knowing and expressing our true nature,
in deep connection with others. It is living life from our own
Heart, deeply connected to our own unique Spirit.
The Fire Element governs the Heart and Small
Intestine, Pericardium (Heart Protector) and Triple Warmer. The
Heart is both the pump that circulates our blood, and the place
within us where we feel love and joy. The Heart stores the
Shen or Spirit. It is the Master Coordinator for the entire
The Small Intestine sorts the pure from the
impure on the physical level and also on the mental and emotional
level. The Small Intestine makes sure that only the pure
substances, thoughts and feelings pass through to the Heart.
So important is the Heart that it requires
the Pericardium and Triple Warmer to support it as well. The
Pericardium, physically, is the outer covering of the Heart, aiding
the circulatory system, regulating the amount of blood that flows
into the Heart. Energetically and emotionally it absorbs the blows
and traumas that come our way, so that the Heart itself is never
touched. Our Heart Protector, the Pericardium, opens us to what is
inside and is our intermediator between the world and our Heart. The
Heart Protector is what steadies us and anchors us in a calm rhythm.
The Triple Warmer maintains an even
temperature in the organs and the rest of the body. It links all the
organs and functions together, allowing coordination and harmony.
The Triple Warmer is also the “Avenue of Original
Chi. It holds the energy within it of our own Essential
Nature we were born with, and distributes it to all the other organ
systems, supporting the Destiny of who we are becoming.
The Triple Warmer helps us to harmonize with
other people and groups. It keeps the communication the right
temperature both socially and physically, within the body. The
Triple Warmer takes the message of the Heart out to a wider
The Fire Element holds the capacity for all
the warmth and loving interactions we may experience. It is
consciousness itself, allowing us the qualities of insight,
compassion and love. The Fire Element holds also the capacity for
the deepest sadness we may feel. It is our felt sense of the depth
of Heart Connection and the felt sense of loss of that connection.
A truly strong Heart can bear the sadness and poignancy of life
and remain soft and open in its vulnerability.
What are some ways we can tend to our
inner Fire and be in rhythm with the Now? We can draw on the
expansive warmth of Fire when we greet our clients or one another
each day. We can remember what makes us smile and do more of it! We
can balance activity with solitude and replenish ourselves, so we
can be available to others from a full and nourished Heart.
We can acknowledge deep feelings of pain and loss so we may
experience the depth of our joy. We can look into the eyes of
those we tend to, recognizing and acknowledging the depth of
their Spirit within.
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